
Некоторые аспекты обучения грамматике: кейс-метод

Пятница 18 ноября 2016


Для того, чтобы быть хорошими учителями английского, нам необходимо владеть методами преподавания иностранных языков, быть точными в использовании грамматики, обладать способностью к самовыражению. Я поддерживаю идею, что нельзя говорить на языке красиво, не зная его грамматики.

To be good English teach­ers we must be efficient in methods of teaching foreign languages, be possess of fluency and grammatical accuracy of speech, and have the ability for self-ex­pression. I support the idea that it is impossible to speak the language correctly without knowing its grammar.

настроение:  творческое

ключевые слова: кейс-метод, грамматика, практика, традиционный метод, коммуникативный метод

город:  г. Симферополь

To be good English teach­ers we must be efficient in methods of teaching foreign languages, be possess of fluency and grammatical accuracy of speech, and have the ability for self-ex­pression. I support the idea that it is impossible to speak the language correctly without knowing its grammar. Thus, we should pay equal attention to what our students say and how they speak and make the process of language acquisition inter­esting and efficient.

There are two approaches to language acquisition: conscious and subconscious. Some Western scholars give preference to subconscious learning, deny the necessity of previous conscious knowledge of a grammar rule and consider the term “grammar” to be synonym for conscious learning (Krashen, 1987). They upgrade the importance of activities for the mean­ingful use of the language and downgrade the contributions made by the exercises that emphasize practice of grammar rules.
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