

Пятница 20 ноября 2015

Профессионализм — это нечто большее, чем просто знать свой предмет. Выпускникам педагогических институтов необходимо постоянно пополнять багаж знаний, повышать общую и профессиональную культуры, развивать творческий потенциал, чтобы стать хорошими специалистами. Школьные учителя, занятые люди, с плотным графиком, ответственные за учеников, погруженные в рутину повседневных дней, беспрекословно выполняющие обязанности, диктуемые высокими требованиями к преподаванию. Им часто трудно найти время и возможность для развития профессионального роста, работать с энтузиазмом, творчески. Статья предлагает некоторые пути решения указанной проблемы.

Professionalism is something more than just knowing your subject cold. Graduates from the pedagogical institute should fill up, expand, constantly specify luggage of knowledge, raise their general and professional culture, and develop the creative potential to become good specialists. School teachers are busy people with tight schedules, responsibilities for many pupils, settlement into a routine, unquestioning acceptance of their day-to-day procedures, high requirements to teaching. They often find it difficult to find the time and ways to grow professionally, to become mature, creative, and enthusiastic. The article offers some ways to solve the mentioned problem.

настроение: целеустремленное

ключевые слова: young teachers, “WEness”, “Enquiry”, team-teaching, mentors, Plan-Do-Review model, self-learning, self–assessment

город: Радужный, Тюменская область

“And will you succeed?
Yes indeed, yes indeed!
Ninety-eight and three quarters
percent guaranteed”
Dr. Seuss

Our secondary school welcomed a group of new teachers a few years ago. It was an opportunity for the school staff to gain experience in preparing those teachers for their work. Furthermore, no one can deny the fact that there is a transitive period when one generation of teachers is being gradually retired and another one is coming to replace them. Thus, the issue of preparing novice teachers is of a great importance nowadays. The proposals of the article do not offer any particular program; they are likely to introduce a concept of how new teachers can be motivated to work efficiently.

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