
Задания устной части формата ЕГЭ на базе УМК Spotlight

Пятница 17 марта 2017

orlova_mainПроблема качественной подготовки к устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку является актуальной как для учителей, так и для учащихся. Цель данной работы – показать, как на примере материалов учебника можно составлять задания в формате ЕГЭ и готовить учащихся к экзамену в процессе урока.

The problem of the quality of preparation for the speaking part of the Russian National Exam in English is relevant to both teachers and students. The aim of this work is to show how one can use the information from the textbook and make his own tasks in the RNE format to prepare students for exam during the lesson.

настроение: серьезное, внимательное, ровное

ключевые слова:  экзамен, подготовка, устная речь, образец, памятка, коммуникативная деятельность.

город: г. Владимир

авторы: Орлова Татьяна Ивановна, Акинина Елена Алексеевна

Новый формат экзамена по английскому языку, введённый с 2015 г., содержит устную часть — говорение (speaking). Это новая форма, которая требует устойчивых знаний и академического  подхода к подготовке.

Для успешного прохождения экзамена необходимо не только обладать должным уровнем сформированности умений, но и освоить стратегии выполнения разного типа заданий, т. е. внимательно читать и точно выполнять инструкции к заданиям. И здесь немаловажным фактором является выбор учебного пособия. Несколько лет наша школа работает по УМК «Английский в фокусе» (“Spotlight”). УМК снабжен качественными аудиоматериалами с достаточным количеством упражнений на развитие лексико-грамматических навыков, на совершенствование говорения (монологического и диалогического). К сожалению, не во всех современных учебниках отрабатываются стратегии выполнения заданий устного экзамена.

Проблема качественной подготовки к устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку является актуальной как для учителей, так и для учащихся. Цель данной работы — показать, как на примере материалов учебника можно успешно составлять задания в формате ЕГЭ и готовить учащихся к экзамену в процессе урока.

Приведём пример тренировочного задания из УМК «Английский в фокусе» 11 класс, Модуль 1 по теме “Relationships”.

Устная часть

Задание 1 базового уровня сложности, предполагает чтение вслух фрагмента информационного, научно- популярного или стилистически нейтрального текста.

Task I. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

Some centuries ago the traditional Japanese family was very big. Several generations – from great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers to grandchildren and the smallest great-grandchild – often lived under one roof. A man – a grandfather, a father or an elder son – was a householder. Everybody was taught to obey his authority and to be very polite with him, as poor behavior would reflect badly on family. The head of the family was responsible for the affairs of all its members. Curiously, the elderly was happy to hand his reins of power to his successors. A woman played an important role too. She was a keeper of the hearth. Her main duty was children upbringing. Both parents remained a big part of children’s lives.

Nowadays family still takes priority in Japanese society. Patriarchal traditions don’t reveal strongly in the structure of the modern Japanese family. There are some changes, for example, the number of children. What is more, young people marry falling in love with each other but not because of their parents’ deсision. There is no doubt that family hierarchy is very important in Japanese and the young show respect to the old at all times. The Japanese believe that the strength and support of the family is essential for reaching full potential in life.

Памятка: Как выполнить задание 1.

В данном задании нужно прочитать вслух текст научно-популярного характера. Чтобы успешно выполнить это задание, советуем придерживаться следующих рекомендаций.

До чтения текста вслух

  1. прочитайте инструкцию к заданию;
  2. просмотрите текст, чтобы понять его содержание;
  3. помните, что время подготовки ограничено 1.5 минутами.

Во время чтения текста вслух

  1. соблюдайте правила чтения и произношения (правильно произносите звуки, которые меняют смысл слов: food — foot, wet — vet, port — pot; не оглушайте конечные звонкие согласные: dogs, plays, worried);
  2. соблюдайте фразовое ударение: выделяйте голосом ударные слова и не выделяйте голосом неударные слова;
  3. используйте логическое ударение, т.е. выделяйте голосом одно из слов предложения для усиления его смысловой нагрузки;
  4. правильно делайте паузы, т.е. делите текст на смысловые отрезки и читайте их с правильной интонацией:
  • используйте интонацию понижения в конце восклицательных предложений, кратких повествовательных предложений, в конце специальных вопросов, в конце второй части альтернативных вопросов, в конце первой части разделительных вопросов;
  • произносите с восходящей интонацией распространенное подлежащее, обстоятельство в начале предложения, общие вопросы, первую часть альтернативных вопросов, придаточные предложения, стоящие перед главным.
  1. не допускайте необоснованных, неестественных пауз между словами внутри предложения и между предложениями; выдерживайте средний темп чтения (1.5 минуты).

Задание 2 базового уровня сложности — условный диалог-расспрос с опорой на вербальную ситуацию и фотографию (картинку).

Task 2. You are considering planning a family holiday and calling to find out more information. In 1, 5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:

1) location of the hotel

2) if breakfast is included

3) hotel facilities for kids

4) the cost of 2 weeks stay for a family of 4

5) number of swimming pools


You have twenty seconds to ask each question

Полезные советы:

  • начните с рассмотрения предложенной иллюстрации и определите, что она рекламирует

Сформулируйте вопрос

  • Определите тип вопроса ( if/whether — общий, вопросительные слова — специальный Wh?)
  • Помните, что общий (Yes/No) вопрос задается с восходящей (rising) интонацией, а специальный (Wh?) c нисходящей (falling) интонацией.
  • При отсутствии вопросительных слов, помните, что

                                    time      предполагает        when

                                    place     предполагает         where

                                duration   предполагает   how long

                               availability   предполагает   is/are there

  • Определите время (tense), которое необходимо использовать и выберите соответствующий вспомогательный глагол
  • Используйте короткие и чѐткие формулировки

Полезные фразы

             Points of the plan Phrases
destination to be situated
facilities to offer/to be offered
equipment to be available
service to be included
options to contain
exhibitions, lectures take place, to be held

 Your answers:

1) Where is the hotel situated / located?

2) Is breakfast included?

3) What facilities can the hotel offer for kids?

4) How much does cost for 2 weeks stay for a family of 4?

5) How many swimming pools are there in this hotel?

 Задание 3. базового уровня сложности. Выбор одной из трёх предложенных фотографий и описание её по определённому плану.

orlova_2Task 3. Imagine that these are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to present to your friend.

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

  • where and when the photo was taken
    • what/who is in the photo
    • what is happening
    • why you keep the photo in your album
    • why you decided to show the picture to your friend

 Подготовка к выполнению задания

 Useful phrases to describe one photo

  1. Name the theme of the picture. This picture is on the subject / topic / issueof… (entertainment; sport; hobbies; environment; shopping etc.).
  2. Say where it was taken. It was (probably) taken inside / outside.
  3. Say where the action is happening. In thispicture the action is taking placein. (the house; the living room; the gym; the swimming pool; the theme park etc.).
  4. Describe the background. Inthe background of this picture there is / are; I can see /  make out… (some pieces of furniture; sports equipment; some people doing shopping etc.).
  5. Describe the foreground. In the foreground I can see… (some children; a family; a shop assistant etc.).
  6. Describe what the people are doing. Looking at these people I get the impression that they are… (having dinner; watching a film; having a break; doing their homework etc.)
  7. What the people look like. (Age / height / build / hair / eyes / nose / mouth / special features / general impression)
  8. What the people are wearing. (Casually / formally-dressed; the description of pieces of clothes)
  9. How the people are feeling. (Bored / annoyed / upset / sad / miserable / lonely / unhappy / depressed / confused / furious / angry / relaxed / concentrated

 Выполняем подготовительные упражнения

Задание 1. Представьте, что вы выбрали картинку (фото 1).Внимательно рассмотрите её и опишите изображённых на ней людей, отвечая на следующие вопросы.

Photo 1.


1.How many people are there on the photo?

2.Are they a family?

3.What kind of clothing are they wearing?

4.Where are they gathered?

5.What are the people in the photo doing?

  1. What are they looking at ?
  2. What can you see on the table?
  3. Why are people smiling?

9.Are the members of the family enjoying the moment? Why?                                                                                              

Задание 2.

Прочитайте предложенные части ответа на задание 1 (Photo 1). Логично расположите монологичные высказывания, согласно плану ответа, проставив номера в скобках. В правой колонке напишите соответствующие пункты плана.

(___)   My mum has lit candles on the birthday cake. Everybody is smiling and singing “Happy Birthday” to Ann. She is sitting at the table and going to blow out the candles and make a birthday wish. Everybody is looking forward to this exciting moment.
(___)   I decided to show it to you because this photo gives an idea of the atmosphere of the family holiday- very warm and very friendly. I wanted to share with you the feelings of joy and happiness I had when we celebrated my sister’s birthday.
(___)    I’ve chosen photo number 1. Have a look at it. I took this photo last year when all the family celebrated my elder sister’s birthday. Her name is Ann. We had a busy week preparing for this fest to make her feel absolutely happy on this day.
(___)  That’s all I wanted to say.
(___)  I keep this photo in my album to have an opportunity to show this picture to all my guests. In addition to it, I often look at the photo to recall the nice moments of that day.

 Sample answer.

Давайте посмотрим, как может сложиться ваше высказывание на примере первой картинки (Photo 1) по определенному плану.

Introduction Вы начинаете свой рассказ с фразы: I’ve chosen photo number 1 (эта фраза не является вступлением и не входит в зачет объема высказывания)

Have a look at it. To begin with, people have different holidays. They make our life bright and interesting.

Where and when the photo was taken

I took this photo last year when all the family celebrated my elder sister’s birthday. Her name is Ann. We had a busy week preparing for this fest to make her feel absolutely happy on this day.

What/who is in the photo

On the background of the photo you can see my granny, mum and dad, our cousin Alex who came to our place to congratulate our birthday person.  By tradition, all members of the family gathered round the festive table in the center of the dining room. On the table you can see bright boxes with presents for Ann.

What is happening

My mum has lit candles on the birthday cake. Everybody is smiling and singing “Happy Birthday” to Ann. She is sitting at the table and going to blow out the candles and make a birthday wish. Everybody is looking forward to this exciting moment.

Why you keep the photo in your album

I keep this photo in my album to have an opportunity to show this picture to all my guests. In addition to it, I often look at the photo to recall the nice moments of that day.

Why you decided to show the picture to your friend

I decided to show it to you because this photo gives an idea of the atmosphere of the family holiday — very warm and very friendly. I wanted to share with you the feelings of joy and happiness I had when we celebrated my sister’s birthday.

Concluding phrase

That’s all I wanted to say.

 Задание 4. задание повышенного уровня предполагает высказывание с опорой на вербальную ситуацию.

Task4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location);
  • say what the pictures have in common;
  • say in what way the pictures are different;
  • say which of the family class presented in the pictures you’d belong to explain why.

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously.


Useful phrases to compare photos.


  • These two pictures depict different …
  • I’m going to compare two photos showing …
  • I’d like to point out right at the beginning that … And these photos prove it.
  • There are two pictures in front of me. I would like to describe them.

Give a brief description of the photos (action, location).

  • In the first picture I’d like to draw your attention to …
  • In the second picture I can see …

Say what the pictures have in common.

  • The pictures are similar because they show …
  • The most obvious similarity is that we can see … in both photos.
  • Another similarity is that both pictures show … I’m sure of it because …

Say in what way the pictures are different.

  • Still, the pictures are different in a number of ways.
  • One difference between the photos is that … in the first picture, while in the second picture we can see only …
  • Another difference is that …… in the photo one, whereas in the photo two …
  • Besides, the …
  • Also I can add that in the picture one …, but … in the picture two.

Say which of the family class presented in the pictures you’d belong to.

Explain why.

  • As for me, I would like to be in the first picture because I prefer …
  • Personally I think that …
  • From my point of view …


  • To sum it up, I’d like to say that …
  • Let’s have a final look at …
  • To draw to the conclusion …
  • That’s where I’d like to end …

Sample answer.

Many years ago all the families were divided into different classes. These two photos prove it.

In the first photo we can see having many children family situated in front of their house. Actually, they are posing to the camera. The second picture depicts an inner yard where the large family is standing and posturing for a photographer.

Both photos show big families with a lot of children. Another similarity is that the head of the family is located in the center of the picture because he was the most respected and honored member of the family. He was also responsible for all the affairs of all its members. In addition to this, I can say that the general atmosphere is also similar. It is warm, friendly and full of love.

The most obvious difference between the pictures is that people in the first photo belong to upper or middle class, whereas we can see working class family in the second photo. Another difference is that in the photo one they are wearing in their best clothes, while members of the family in the photo two are dressing in their casual clothes. Also I can add that there is a rich mansion in the background of the first picture but there is a shabby house behind people in the second picture.

As for me, I think that I’d belong to the middle class family. From my point of view, such families lived in comfortable conditions without any necessities as I live. I’m sure that children were given a good education in such families. My family also tries to educate me very well and helps me to make a successful career in the future.

Comparing these two photos, I would like to conclude that the type of class does not influence on person’s mind and spirit.

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