

Пятница 22 апреля 2016

В преподавательских кругах не прекращается дискуссия относительно пользы и способов применения теории латерального мышления, разработанной Эдвардом Де Боно еще в 1970 г. Это показывает, насколько новаторской была его работа не только для того времени, но и на сегодняшний день. Де Бно широко известен как один из отцов-основателей прямого обучения мышлению в качестве навыка, а его концепция латерального мышления и развития специальных техник для намеренно творческого мышления остаются очень современными. Можно также добавить, что его наиболее широко используемая программа прямому обучению мышления в школах получает одобрение не только в западных странах, но и во многих школах по всему миру.

The ongoing academic discussion concerning the benefits and implications of the lateral thinking theory, developed by Dr. De Bono back in 1970 , reveals how pioneering this work was, not only for that period of time but also for today. Dr. De Bono is widely regarded as one of the “fathers” of the direct teaching of thinking as a skill, while his concept of lateral thinking and the development of formal techniques for deliberate creative thinking remain contemporary. Adding to the latter, his most widely used programme for the direct teaching of thinking in schools appears to have gained significant ground not only in the Western countries but also in many schools around the world.

настроение: творческое

ключевые слова: латеральное мышление в классе, прямое обучение мышлению, креативность

город: Москва

The ongoing academic discussion concerning the benefits and implications of the lateral thinking theory, developed by Dr. De Bono back in 1970[1], reveals how pioneering this work was, not only for that period of time but also for today. Dr. De Bono is widely regarded as one of the “fathers” of the direct teaching of thinking as a skill, while his concept of lateral thinking and the development of formal techniques for deliberate creative thinking remain contemporary. Adding to the latter, his most widely used programme for the direct teaching of thinking in schools appears to have gained significant ground not only in the Western countries but also in many schools around the world.

What is the lateral thinking theory?

De Bono’s theory on lateral thinking refers to the solution of problems through an indirect and creative approach and through the use of reasoning that are not immediately obvious and involving ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional step-by-step logic.[2]

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