
Модуль внеурочных занятий по формированию навыков чтения в морском кадетском корпусе

Пятница 30 марта 2018

300318Модуль внеурочных занятий по формированию навыков чтения на английском  языке предназначен для основного этапа обучения в морском кадетском корпусе. Целью внеурочных занятий по английскому языку является формирование навыков чтения и подготовка учащихся к самостоятельному выбору будущей профессии, посвященной служению Отечеству.


настроение:  творческое, боевое

ключевые слова:  внеурочная деятельность, военно-морское направление, основной этап обучения

город:   Красноярский край г. Канск

В наше время особое внимание уделяется организации внеурочной деятельности детей, которая становится неотъемлемой частью образовательного процесса в школе, важной составной частью воспитания и социализации обучающихся. Внеурочная деятельность осуществляется с учётом пожеланий обучающихся и их родителей (законных представителей) через различные формы организации, отличные от урочной системы обучения.

Известно, что в настоящее время существует нехватка специализированных учебных пособий, так как учебники издаются без учета специфики учреждения и не могут быстро обновляться.  В связи с этим, в Канском морском кадетском корпусе были разработаны учебные материалы военно-морской направленности для внеурочных занятий по английскому языку. Модуль внеурочных занятий по английскому языку разработан согласно с учетом специфики учебного учреждения и возрастных особенностей учащихся 9 класса. Согласно примерной программе основного общего образования по английскому языку учащиеся на данной ступени обучения учатся читать и понимать аутентичные тексты с различной глубиной и точностью проникновения в их содержание (в зависимости от вида чтения): с пониманием основного содержания (ознакомительное чтение); с полным пониманием содержания (изучающее чтение); с выборочным пониманием нужной или интересующей информации (просмотровое/поисковое чтение).

Каждое внеурочное занятие по чтению состоит из трех этапов работы с текстом: предтекстовый, текстовый и послетекстовый. Для каждого этапа обучения чтению разработаны упражнения на понимание основного, полного, выборочного содержания.

Цель внеурочных занятий по английскому языку —  формирование навыков чтения и подготовка учащихся к самостоятельному выбору будущей профессии, посвященной служению Отечеству.

Содержание и принципы построения данного модуля внеурочных занятий позволяют решать следующие общеобразовательные и воспитательные задачи:

  • осуществить взаимосвязь и преемственность общего и дополнительного образования в рамках учебного предмета «Английский язык»;
  • повысить общий уровень владения английским языком;
  • развить индивидуальность каждого ребёнка во время внеурочной деятельности;
  • формировать личность обучающегося, что является принципиальным условием его самоопределения в той или иной социокульурной ситуации.

Формы проведения занятия:

  • групповые занятия под руководством учителя (обучение в сотрудничестве);
  • самостоятельная работа;
  • работа в парах;
  • коллективные обсуждения и дискуссии.

Личностные, метапредметные и предметные результаты

Личностные результаты:

  • формирование мотивации к изучению иностранных языков, стремления к самосовершенствованию в образовательной области «Иностранный язык»;
  • осознание возможностей самореализации средствами иностранного языка;
  • формирование общекультурной и этнической идентичности как составляющих гражданской идентичности личности; стремление к лучшему осознанию культуры своего народа и готовность содействовать ознакомлению с ней представителей других стран; толерантное отношение к проявлениям
    иной культуры; осознание себя гражданином своей страны и мира;
  • готовность отстаивать национальные и общечеловеческие (гуманистические, демократические) ценности, свою гражданскую позицию.

Метапредметные результаты:

  • развитие умения планировать свое речевое и неречевое поведение;
  • развитие коммуникативной компетенции;
  • развитие исследовательских учебных действий, включая навыки работы с информацией: поиск и выделение нужной информации, обобщение и фиксация информации;
  • развитие смыслового чтения, включая умение определять тему, прогнозировать содержание текста по заголовку/по ключевым словам, выделять основную мысль, главные факты, опуская второстепенные, устанавливать логическую последовательность основных фактов;
  • осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке.

Предметные результаты:


Овладение следующими умениями: высказываться о фактах и событиях, используя такие коммуникативные типы речи как описание, повествование и сообщение; передавать содержание, основную мысль прочитанного с опорой на текст; делать сообщение на основе прочитанного/прослушанного текста.


Умение читать и понимать тексты с различной глубиной и точностью проникновения в их содержание (в зависимости от вида чтения): с пониманием основного содержания (ознакомительное чтение); с полным пониманием содержания (изучающее чтение); с выборочным пониманием нужной или интересующей информацией (поисковое/просмотровое чтение).

Обучение чтению с пониманием основного содержания текста  осуществляется через несложные аутентичные тексты с ориентацией на предметное содержание.

Чтение с полным пониманием текста осуществляется на аутентичных текстах, построенных в основном на изученном языковом материале, с использованием различных приемов смысловой переработки текстов (языковой догадки, выборочного перевода) и оценки полученной информации at vpnarena.se.

Чтение с выборочным пониманием нужной или интересующей информации осуществляется с помощью аутентичных текстов разных жанров и предполагает умение просмотреть текст или несколько текстов и выбрать информацию, которая необходима или представляет интерес для обучающихся.

Требования к результатам и оценке результата:

  • ориентироваться в иноязычном тексте: прогнозировать его содержание по заголовку;
  • читать аутентичные тексты преимущественно с пониманием основного содержания (определять тему, выделять основную мысль, выделять главные факты, опуская второстепенные, устанавливать логическую последовательность основных фактов текста);
  • читать несложные аутентичные тексты разных жанров с полным и точным пониманием, используя различные приемы смысловой переработки текста (языковую догадку, анализ, выборочный перевод), оценивать полученную информацию, выражать свое мнение;
  • читать текст с выборочным пониманием нужной информации или интересующей информации.



Подбор текстов на английском языке для учащихся 9 класса преследует комплекс практических, общеобразовательных, развивающих и воспитательных целей. Развитие умений чтения текстов направлено на понимание аутентичных и частично адаптированных текстов разных жанров с опорой на соответствующие пояснения и комментарии, при необходимости с использованием двуязычного словаря.

Перед проведением внеурочных занятий, рекомендуется определить следующее :

  1. Соответствие текстов изученному количеству лексических единиц к определённому периоду обучения.
  2. Отличие текстов занимательностью и привлекательностью сюжета, доступных с точки зрения языковых трудностей, отличающихся актуальностью с позиций общечеловеческих ценностей, содержащие проблему.
  3. Соответствие возрастным особенностям, речевому и жизненному опыту учащихся, их интересам.

На предтекстовом этапе обучения чтению, следует не только «снять» языковые и лексические трудности, но и мотивировать учащихся на дальнейшую работу с текстом. Предложенные задания можно выполнять в любой форме работы, желательно с использованием ИКТ.

В текстовых заданиях учащимся предлагаются коммуникативные установки, в которых содержатся указания на вид чтения, необходимость решения определенных познавательно – коммуникативных задач в процессе чтения. Предваряющие вопросы должны отвечать ряду требований:

— строиться на базе активно усвоенной лексики и грамматических структур, не использованных в тексте в таком виде;

— отвечать на предваряющий вопрос, отражающий основное содержание соответствующей части текста;

— отбирать вопросы, которые представляют собой адаптированную интерпретацию текста.

Послетекстовый этап направлен на развитие устной и письменной речи, следовательно, учителю необходимо подготовить образцы для устной части, например, вводные конструкции, предложения, слова.

Для успешного проведения внеурочных занятий, рекомендуется внимательно ознакомиться с материалом, чтобы определить: основные этапы обучения чтению; адекватность и неадекватность предложенных упражнений; учесть различные факторы, характеризующие условия обучения, а именно: возрастные особенности обучаемых; индивидуальные особенности обучаемых; отношение учащихся к учебе, к предмету «иностранный язык»; уровень овладения иноязычной культурой; оснащенность учебного процесса; оборудование кабинета, в котором проходит занятие; место занятия в расписании.

Стоит отметить, что чем полнее наше представление об условиях, в которых осуществляется процесс овладения иноязычной культурой, тем больших результатов в обучении может достичь учитель, увидеть планируемый результат, и на основании этого уяснить или определить цель занятия, а также предугадать, предвосхитить все те ситуации, которые могут возникнуть в ходе обучения на конкретном этапе.

Таким образом, при планировании занятий учителю рекомендуется помнить о том, что основными действующими лицами на уроке английского языка являются дети. Именно деятельность детей, их активная работа с усваиваемым материалом на занятии должна быть в центре внимания учителя при планировании. Она и определяет эффективность занятия, его обучающий характер.

Ниже представлены разработанные внеурочные занятия по английскому языку по формированию навыков чтения в морском кадетском корпусе.



  1. The Freedom Ship was thought up in the ’90s and was supposed to be 1,371 meters long, weighing 2.7 million tons. The top was an airport that could land a 737. No shipbuilding facility in the world is large enough to even think about building something this big.
  2. Before we completely enter dream land, we have to stop at Project Habakkuk, the 2,000 foot long (609 meters) and two-million ton proposed aircraft carrier conceived by the British during WWII. It was to be made out of a mixture of water and wood pulp frozen together into «pykrete.» Sadly, the giant floating ice island/ship never got past a 60 foot prototype.
  3. The Pierre Guillaumat supertanker was arguably larger than the Seawise Giant, at a massive 274,838 gross tons. It was only 414.23 meters long, and frankly, it was just as oversized as any other gigantic supertanker. It was too big for the Panama or Suez Canals and had to moor at offshore oil rigs.
  4. Ordered in 1974 and scrapped in 2010 the supertanker Seawise Giant was the longest, heaviest ship ever made at 260,941 gross tonnage and 458.45 meters. It was so big, it couldn’t pass through the English Channel. The Channel was too small for the Seawise Giant.
  5. The FSO Asia/FSO Europe twins are TI-class supertankers and at 236,638 gross tons and 380 meters, they are the largest existing ships in the world. They’re too big to be profitable, and are now just floating storage platforms.
  6. Royal Caribbean’s Allure of the Seas/Oasis of the Seas twins are the largest passenger ships ever constructed, with a gross tonnage of 225,282 tonnes and a length of 362 meters. Allure of the Seas is technically longest by 50 millimeters.
  7. The WWII-era Japanese Yamato was the biggest battleship ever made, displacing 71,659 tonnes and stretching 256 meters, but the proposed Nazi Schlachtschiff H-44 would have dwarfed it. 131,000 tonne displacement and 345 m long.
  8. The biggest ships are ships that carry other ships. In this case, the Dockwise Vanguard is the biggest, at only 91,238 GT and 263 m.
  9. The world’s largest nuclear icebreaker is the 50 Let Pobedy. It’s 159.60 meters long and GT is 23,439 tonnes. Plus it’s a giant nuclear powered ship that cuts through ice.
  10. Roman Abramovich’sEclipseis the world’s longest operating private yacht at 162.5 meters, with a gross tonnage of 13,000 tonnes.



Exercise 1. Look at the screen, read and guess the riddle.

Weight in my belly, trees on my back, nails in my ribs, feet do I lack. What am I?

Exercise 2. Match the words with the translations.

1.     suppose a)     пайкерит
2.     pykrete b)    возможно
3.     wood pulp c)     плавающий
4.     conceived d)    пришвартоваться
5.     arguably e)     карлик
6.     supertanker f)      предполагать
7.     moor g)     авианосец
8.     floating h)    древесная масса
9.     aircraft i)       супертанкер
10.                       dwarf j)       задуманный




Exercise 3. Read the text and give the title. Explain your point. 

Exercise 4. Read the text again and write down the names of the ships under the pictures.


Exercise 5.  Read the text and define whether the given statements are true or false. Correct false statements.

  1. The top of Habakkuk was an airport that could land a 737.
  2. The biggest ships are ships that carry other ships.
  3. The FSO Asia/FSO Europe twins are the largest passenger ships ever constructed.
  4. The Pierre Guillaumat supertanker was to be made out of a mixture of water and wood pulp frozen together into pykrete.
  5. The English Channel was too small for the Seawise Giant.
  6. Royal Caribbean’s Allure of the Seas/Oasis of the Seas is now just floating storage platforms.
  7. The Pierre Guillaumat supertanker was too big for the Panama or Suez Canals and had to moor at offshore oil rigs.
  8. WWII-era Japanese Yamato was the biggest battleship ever made.
  9. The world’s largest nuclear icebreaker is the 75 Let Pobedy.
  10. Roman Abramovich’s Eclipse is the world’s shortest operating private yacht.


Exercise 6.  Answer the questions.

  • Which project do you think is the most interesting? Why?
  • Is it useful information for you? Why?
  • Do you know other battleships? Tell about them.



 A — An analysis of 18 shipwrecks from 1852 to 2011 found that on average, 35 per cent of male passengers survive compared with just 19 per cent of women.
Crew members, who are supposed to put the passengers first, were the most likely to escape with their lives and only in nine cases did the captains go down with their ships, according to the study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal.

B- Although convention dictates that men should step aside and put «women and children first», history shows that the male attitude is better summed up as «every man for himself».

C- Contrary to the notion of British gallantry, the results also showed that the survival rate among women on British ships was between 10 and 15 per cent lower than those from other countries.

D —    As torrents of freezing water gushed onto the Titanic, its male passengers selflessly shepherded women and children to the few available lifeboats in what was described as a typically British act of chivalry. But although their gallantry was hailed as an example of a moral code shared by all mariners, a new study suggests the situation on board the Titanic, where female survivors outnumbered men three to one, was something of an exception.


Exercise 1. Look at the picture and tell what is it? What do you know about this story? 


Exercise 2. Match the words with their translations.

  1. abandon
  1. экипаж (судна)
  1. chivalry
  1. труды, протоколы
  1. crew
  1. покидать (корабль)
  1. gush
  1. вести, провожать, сопровождать
  1. outnumber
  1. общеизвестный
  1. proceedings
  1. рыцарство, благородство, отвага
  1. proverbial
  1. превосходить численно
  1. selflessly
  1. оставшийся в живых, уцелевший
  1. shepherd
  1. хлынуть; литься потоком
  1.  shipwreck
  1. кораблекрушение
  1.  sink
  1. поток, масса, натиск
  1.  survivor
  1. самоотверженно, бескорыстно
  1.  torrent
  1. тонуть, погружаться (под воду)




Exercise 3. Read the paragraphs of the text and put them into the logic order.



Exercise 4. Read the text and put this sentence in the most suitable place in the text. Explain your choice.

Researchers from Uppsala University in Sweden found that far from surrendering their lives so that others may live, most men respond to maritime disasters like the proverbial rats, and abandon the sinking ship as quickly as possible.

Exercise 5. Choose the sentence from the text which expresses the main idea and can be the title. 


Exercise 6. Read the text and make up a summary using the following phrases:

The article is about…

The situation on board the Titanic shows…

The convention dictates that…

Researchers found that…




The article: Iran’s gift to British people – Sailors home

The fifteen British sailors and marines who were held captive for nearly two weeks in Iran have arrived back in the UK. They left Iran early Thursday aboard a commercial flight bound for London. Their departure ends a standoff between Iran and Britain which had the potential to escalate into a serious diplomatic crisis. The release of the sailors comes a day after Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad personally intervened. He said his gesture was a “present to the British people”. In a televised event in Tehran, Iran’s leader personally met and shook hands with each of the hostages. His government even arranged for them to be fitted with tailor made suits. A spokesperson for Britain’s Foreign Office said the move was a huge surprise.

In London, British Prime Minister Tony Blair expressed «profound relief» over the peaceful end to the 13-day crisis. He said in a message to the Iranian people: «We bear you no ill will.» He also said Britain had a deep respect for Iran and its long and proud history. The two countries must now think about how mutual relations will progress. They are already at loggerheads over Iran’s nuclear programme and Britain’s role in Iraq. There are fears of a repeat of this crisis, especially as the boundaries between Iranian and Iraqi territorial waters are so unclear. Nevertheless, the release is seen as a victory for diplomacy. The U.S. cautiously welcomed Iran’s move, although The White House said «it was unfortunate that [the hostages] were ever taken in the first place.»


Exercise 1. Look at the map. Can you tell me what we are going to speak about?

300318_7Exercise 2. Work in groups. What do you know about Iran?

Example: We know that Iran is a sovereign state in Western Asia.

Exercise 3. Prediction: Look at the article’s headline and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F):

a. Fifteen British sailors sailed into London after being held captive. T / F
b. Their being held captive nearly led to a serious diplomatic crisis. T / F
c. Iran’s president took the hostages shopping to buy new suits. T / F
d. Britain’s Foreign Office expected the early release of the hostages. T / F
e. Tony Blair said he was profoundly relieved over the release. T / F
f. Tony Blair said Britain bore the Iranian people no bad feelings. T / F
g. The maritime borders between Iran and Iraq are very unclear. T / F
h. Washington welcomed the hostage release with open arms. T / F


Exercise 4. Read the text and check your answers in ex.3.

Exercise 5. Read the text again and put the sentences in appropriate places.

  1. There are fears of a repeat of this crisis, especially as the boundaries between Iranian and Iraqi territorial waters are so unclear.
  2. He said his gesture was a “present to the British people”
  3. He also said Britain had a deep respect for Iran and its long and proud history.
  4. His government even arranged for them to be fitted with tailor made suits.


Exercise 6. Complete the sentence with your ideas: If Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad didn’t intervene,…



Russian sailors dived __________ below the North Pole in a submarine on Thursday to __________ its national flag on the seabed. In doing so, it has staked a __________ to the oil and gas riches beneath the Arctic Ocean. It has also raised the __________ in the race among Arctic powers to extract the world’s largest source of __________ energy reserves. Russia wants to extend its territorial waters right up to the North Pole itself, which is sure to set a __________ for territory. Moscow claims the Arctic seabed and Siberia are linked by the same continental shelf. This would give Russia more than a million square kilometeres of __________ Arctic real estate. Under international law, Canada, Norway, Russia, the United States and Denmark have a 320 km economic zone around the north of their coastline, much of which __________ into the Arctic Circle.

The leader of the flag-sinking __________ Artur Chilingarov, 67, said his main concern was not the icy or dark Arctic waters, but to __________ at the ice hole they dived through. The mini-submarine used was not strong enough to break through the __________ ice and there was a danger the sub might be trapped beneath the ice __________. Of the expedition, Chilingarov said: «It was a __________ landing.» He also described what he saw in the murky depths: «There is yellowish gravel down here. No creatures of the __________ are visible,» he said. Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov explained to world leaders that Russia has good __________ for planting its flag beneath the North Pole: «The aim of this expedition is not to stake Russia’s claim but to show that our shelf __________ to the North Pole,» he told  the reporters.


Exercise 1. Collect puzzle and say what is it?


Exercise 2. In pairs / groups, read the words and say what we are going to read about. Share your ideas with the other pairs/groups.

sailors / North Pole / submarines / national flags / energy reserves / real estate / expeditions / polar ice / being trapped / creatures of the deep / world leaders

Exercise 3. Match the following synonyms from the article.

  1. staked
  1. worry
  1. extract
  1. free-for-all
  1. untapped
  1. beasts
  1. scramble
  1. voyage
  1. extends
  1. made
  1. expedition
  1. gloomy
  1. concern
  1. stretches
  1. murky
  1. take out
  1. creatures
  1. grounds
  1.  reason
  1. unused


Exercise 4. Put the words into the gaps in the text.

Untapped; claim; prime; plant; stakes; scramble; deep; extends; polar; soft; resurface; reaches; deep; expedition; caps; reason.

Exercise 5. Choose the headline which expresses the main idea of the text.

  • Expedition to the North Pole
  • Russian territory
  • Russian flag claims North Pole riches

Exercise 6. Read the text and define whether the given statements are true or false.

  1. Russia planted its flag on the seabed beneath the Arctic Ocean.
  2. Russia wants to mine the rich gold reserves in the North Pole.
  3. Russia believes the Arctic is linked to Siberia.
  4. Five countries have borders that extend into the Arctic Circle.
  5. A submarine was trapped beneath the polar ice caps.
  6. The submarine hit the seabed hard, damaging its propeller.
  7. Sailors talk many photos of deep-sea creatures.
  8. Russia’s aim is to show it is physically linked to the North Pole.


Exercise 6.  Work in pairs.

Imagine you’re a journalist and your partner is the leader of the expedition Artur Chilingarov. Make up and present your interview.



Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has visited the United States naval (1) ____________ at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. Japan’s surprise attack on the base on December 7, 1941                      (2) ____________ to the United States joining World War II. Mr Abe did not (3) ____________ for the attack but did                   (4) ____________ his condolences. He said: «President Obama, the people of the United States of America and the people around the world, as the Prime Minister of Japan, I offer my                  (5) ____________ and everlasting condolences to the souls of those who lost their lives here.» Mr Abe also paid                       (6) ____________ to those who died in the attack. He said: «We must never repeat the horrors of war again. This is the solemn    (7) ____________ the people of Japan have taken.» President Obama welcomed Mr Abe, «in the spirit of (8) ____________ «.

A (9) ____________ of 353 Japanese aircraft attacked the US base at Pearl Harbor, killing 2,403 US personnel. The 75-minute (10) ____________ also damaged or destroyed 19 US Navy warships. Mr Abe is the first Japanese leader for                       (11) ____________ to visit Pearl Harbor and the first to visit a memorial on the site of the (12) ____________ battleship the USS Arizona. Mr Abe acknowledged the US (13) ____________ in rebuilding Japan after WWII. He said: «When the war ended and Japan was a (14) ____________ in burnt-out ruins as far as the eye could see, suffering miserable (15) ____________, it was the USA and its good people that generously sent us food to eat and clothes to wear.» He added that the friendship between the USA and Japan was an (16) ____________ «alliance of hope».


Exercise 1. Watch the video and say what it is about? What do you know about it?



Exercise 2. In pairs / groups, read the words and say what we are going to read about. Share your ideas with the other pairs/groups.

United States / naval / base / apologize / condolences / paid tribute / horrors / war /   aircraft / personnel / damaged / decades / memorial / ruins / miserable / poverty

Exercise 3. Match the following synonyms. The words in bold are from the news article.

1. base a. employees
2. apologize b. passed away
3. condolences c. unhappy
4. died d. promise
5. vow e. say sorry
6. personnel f. optimism
7. ruins g. headquarters
8. miserable h. relationship
9. friendship i. remains
10. hope j. sympathy


Exercise 4. Read the text and put the words into the gaps.

Offer; tribute; led; friendship; base; vow; apologize; sincere; role; decades; poverty; total; everlasting; attack; sunken; nation.

Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer.

1) What kind of place is Pearl Harbor? a) a spying base b) an air force base c) a naval base d) an Army base

2) What did the USA do after the attack on Pearl Harbor? a) it joined World War II b) nothing c) it built a thousand ships d) it called for an end to war

3) What did Mr Abe not do? a) bow b) apologize c) sleep d) pray

4) Who did Mr Abe pay his respects to? a) Japanese air force pilots b) Barack Obama c) today’s Americans d) those who died

5) What did Mr Abe say we must never repeat again? a) attack b) solemn vows c) the horrors of war d) battleships

6) How many Japanese aircraft took part in the attack on Pearl Harbor? a) 2,403 b) 353 c) 2,304 d) 535

7) How many US warships were destroyed or damaged? a) 16 b) 17 c) 18 d) 19

8) What is the name of the battleship where there is a memorial? a) USS Arkansas b) USS Arizona c) USS Alabama d) USS Alaska

9) What did the USA send Japan after WWII? a) ships and airplanes b) food and clothes c) dollars d) toys

10) What kind of alliance did Mr Abe say Japan and the USA had? a) an alliance of hope b) a strong alliance c) a business alliance d) an alliance of peace.

Exercise 6. Number these lines in the correct order.

(    ) “minute attack also damaged or destroyed 19 US Navy warships. Mr Abe is the first Japanese leader for”;

(    ) “war ended and Japan was a nation in burnt-out ruins as far as the eye could see, suffering miserable”;

(   ) “of America and the people around the world, as the Prime Minister of Japan, I offer my sincere and everlasting”;

(     ) “have taken.» President Obama welcomed Mr Abe, «in the spirit of friendship»;

(   ) “died in the attack. He said: «We must never repeat the horrors of war again. This is the solemn vow the people of Japan”;

(   ) “apologize for the attack but did offer his condolences. He said: «President Obama, the people of the United States”;

(   ) “A total of 353 Japanese aircraft attacked the US base at Pearl Harbor, killing 2,403 US personnel. The 75-“;

(    ) “battleship the USS Arizona. Mr Abe acknowledged the US role in rebuilding Japan after WWII. He said: «When the”;

(     ) “decades to visit Pearl Harbor and the first to visit a memorial on the site of the sunken”;

(   ) “wear.» He added that the friendship between the USA and Japan was an everlasting «alliance of hope»”;

(    ) “condolences to the souls of those who lost their lives here.» Mr Abe also paid tribute to those who”;

(    ) “attack on the base on December 7, 1941 led to the United States joining World War II. Mr Abe did not”;

(    ) “poverty, it was the USA and its good people that generously sent us food to eat and clothes to”;

(  1  ) “Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has visited the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. Japan’s surprise”.


Exercise 7. Read the question and answer in writing.

What is the best way to pay tribute to those who died in a war?



_______ Let’s go back to Stockholm in the year 1628. On the 10th of August a huge Swedish warship called VASA leaves the harbor of Stockholm on its first (maiden) voyage. On board are not only sailors and soldiers, but also their families who are allowed to travel with the crew for a while.

_______Stockholm today. Not far from the city centre, on an island that belongs to the king of Sweden, I see two masts rising from the top of a high building – the very popular Vasamuseet (Vasa museum). Entering the hall of the museum I am amazed by the view: the Vasa ship emerges in full size in front of me. After a free tour I’ve learned that 95 per cent (!) of the ship is original: in the 1960s the wreck was found on the bottom of the sea and raised up to the surface without breaking it. The preservation of the Vasa took another three decades until Stockholm opened up a museum around the ship in 1990. People could now explore the fascinating mystery of the warship.

_______ 25 minutes after the launch of the Vasa, thousands of watching people from Stockholm are in shock: a gust of wind takes the massive sails and the huge vessel leans dangerously to one side! Horror strikes when it becomes clear that the gun ports on one side (still open for the salute) fill with water immediately.

_______ The king ordered the building of battle ships, including the Vasa, in hope of transforming Sweden into one of the greatest naval powers of Europe. Not only the size was impressive (height: 52,5 metres from the keel to the top of the mainmast, length: 69 metres, breadth: 11,7 metres) but also for the first time 64 cannons were fixed onto two decks of the ship.

_______Within a short amount of time, the Vasa has sunk to the bottom of the sea and has taken 30 of 150 people with her – only 1,3 kilometers away from the city! Rumors about the sinking emerge in Sweden and the rest of Europe – whose fault was it that two years of hard work, loads of money and the lives of 30 people are lost? As it turns out, the captain of the Vasa knew that the ship was not stable for a journey because it was built too narrow and the central point of gravity was too high. This is why a gust of wind was enough to sink it! However, the admiral, who was afraid of telling the king that all these years of work had been for nothing, took the risk — and lost.

_______ The Swedish King Gustav II Adolf made this ship hoping to be remembered. Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined what the future would hold for his «unlucky» flagship.

_______ Calling the Vasa a complete failure does not seem fair: because of the sinking, science was able to make progress, especially on preservation techniques. The archaeological findings from the ship (including human skeletons and their belongings) tell us a lot about how people used to live in the 17th century. Moreover, the Vasa, a great loss for the country back then, now creates an income for many people working in the tourist sector.


Exercise 1. Read the words and try to guess what we’re going to speak about?

Stockholm/ Swedish warship/ harbor/ first (maiden) voyage/ the king/ ordered/ size/ 64 cannons/ a gust of wind/ the gun ports/ sunk.

Exercise 2. Match the words with the translation.

1.                  crew a.                  слухи
2.                  emerge b.                 пушка
3.                  wreck c.                  выходить, появляться
4.                  surface d.                 крушение
5.                  preservation e.                  десятилетия
6.                  decades f.                  экипаж
7.                  cannon g.                 палуба
8.                  deck h.                 устойчивый, прочный
9.                  rumors i.                   поднять на поверхность
10.              stable j.                   сохранение


Exercise 3. Give the title to the text.

Exercise 4. Read the paragraphs of the text and put them into the logic order.

Exercise 5. Read the text again and choose the picture of the the Vasa ship.


Exercise 6. Answer the questions.

  • Do you agree that next expression? Why? “Calling the Vasa a complete failure does not seem fair”
  • What would have happened if the admiral had told the king that the ship was not stable to travel?
  • Are there any important moments in the history of your country that interest you?





The RNLI is an organization dedicated to the saving of people’s lives at sea. If a boat is in difficulty less than 50 miles off the coast of Britain or the Republic of Island, the RNLI can send a lifeboat to rescue these people. It also provides lifeguard services in certain areas, making beaches safe for swimming.  There are over 230 RNLI stations and almost 8000 people were rescued in 2003 alone. Since its foundation in 1824 by Sir William Hillary, over 130,000 people have been rescued by the RNLI.


As a large fully equipped lifeboat costs almost two million pounds and it takes over £200,000 a day to keep the service running, money is very important. It is surprising to learn that although the organization saves so many lives, it is a charity and receives no money from the government. It is paid for completely through donations, legacies and fundraising events. The first time public collecting boxes were officially used in Britain was for the RNLI – back in 1891. Today boat-shaped collection boxes can be found all around the country.


As well as being a charity, the RNLI is run by volunteers. Almost 4000 brave men and women risk their lives to help rescue others at sea. Most volunteers have normal jobs, which they must be ready to leave at a moment’s notice if their lifeboat needs to be launched. Volunteers come from all walks of life, there is even a lifeboat service in South Wales manned completely by students at a local college, Atlantic College. They are mainly 17 and 18 years of age, and over the last 30 years this service has saved over 100 lives.


1886 – The Mexico

The crew of a German boat; The Mexico, travelling off the North-West coast of England needed rescuing in a storm. Three RNLI lifeboats went to the rescue but the sea was so rough that only one reached The Mexico. One boat was hit by a large wave and the other was never seen again. Twenty-seven lifeboat-men died that day.

1979 – Fastnet Race

On August 11 1979, 303 yachts were competing in the biennial Fastnet race — a 608 mile yacht race off the South Coast of England. They were caught unexpectedly in a very bad storm- the worst for many years. Winds of over 60 miles an hour struck the boats and many sank. 17 people drowned — it was the worst yachting disaster ever in the UK. Even more would have died without the help of the RNLI and other rescue boasts.

Safety procedures have improved since then. Racing yachts are more difficult to sink and all must carry emergency radios. Accidents still happen though. At a recent sailing event near the Isle of Wight (the Cowes Regatta) the RNLI launched more than 70 times to help or rescue people at sea. The event only lasted one week! Happily, no lives were lost on this occasion.


In an attempt to sail round Britain in a 4 ½ metre boat, Mr Stuart Hill had to be rescued 5 times by RNLI Lifeboats and twice by helicopters in the summer of 2001. The papers at the time called him ‘Captain Calamity.’ Similarly, in the year 2000, another sailor had to be rescued more than 5 times in the Irish Sea – he was using a road map for directions!

Whatever the situation, whatever the weather, the work of the RNLI volunteers continues, day and night, 365 days a year.


Exercise 1. In pairs/groups read the sentence and translate. Can you guess what we’re going to speak about? Share your ideas with other pairs/groups.

“Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,

For those in peril on the sea!”

Exercise 2. Match the words with their definitions.

  1. the globe
  1.  an amount that has to be paid or spent to buy or obtain something.
  1. lifeguard
  1. a specially constructed boat launched from land to rescue people in distress at sea.
  1. cost
  1. save (someone) from a dangerous or distressing situation.
  1. donations
  1. the world
  1. lifeboat
  1. an amount of money or property left to someone in a will
  1. volunteers
  1. something that is given to a charity, especially a sum of money
  1. rescue
  1. an expert swimmer employed to rescue people who get into difficulty in a swimming pool or at the beach.
  1. biennial
  1. an organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need
  1. legacies
  1. taking place every other year.
  1. charity
  1. a person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task.


Exercise 3. Read the text and give the title to the text.

Exercise 4. Choose the title for each paragraph.

  1. Who pays for it?
  2. Who runs it?
  3. Fateful Dates
  4. What is the RNLI?
  5. Who is Captain Calamity?

Exercise 5. In the first box are numbers and dates from the article. Can you match these to the correct information in the second box?

1979 Over 200,000 More than 100 1824 50 miles
Over 130 000 1886 Over 8000 Almost 4000 More than 230


1. RNLI founded  
2. The Mexico tragedy  
3. Fastnet race tragedy  
4. People rescued by the Atlantic College lifeboat  
5. Lifeboat stations in UK  
6. Distance from coast covered by RNLI  
7. People rescued in 2003  
8. Cost to run the service — per day  
9. Volunteer lifeboat crew  
10. People rescued in its history  


Exercise 6. Work in groups. The first group writes down the advantages of lifeboat organization. The second group writes disadvantages of lifeboat organization. Present your ideas.

Use these expressions: The lifeboat organization has some advantages/disadvantages.

The first/second/third advantage/disadvantage is…because…



An Indian warship has __________ a pirate ship off the coast of Somalia. The sinking is the first the first __________ against the Somali pirates. The Indian navy ship INS Tabar encountered the Somali “mother ship” off the coast of Oman in the Gulf of Aden. The captain of the Indian ship __________ the pirate ship to stop for an investigation. The pirate ship __________ by threatening to blow up the Indian warship if it got any __________. After the pirates opened fire on the naval ship, the Indian sailors retaliated and __________ the Somali vessel. An Indian navy statement said there were many explosions as the pirate ship went down. «Fire broke out…and __________ were heard, possibly due to exploding ammunition that was stored in the __________,» an Indian navy spokesman said.
This incident comes after a week of hijackings and high __________ at sea. Piracy in the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden is __________ companies and governments more and more money. Over $30 million in __________ has already been paid to the Somali pirates this year. At the weekend, the pirates gained their biggest __________ to date. They boarded and captured a Saudi Arabian supertanker carrying oil __________ $100 million. Since then, the pirates have hijacked a Thai fishing vessel, an Iranian cargo ship and a Chinese fishing boat. There are now __________ of hijacked ships in Somali ports. The country is almost completely __________. There is no one able to prevent the pirates, who are now driving around in top-of-the-__________ Toyota Land Cruisers and building luxury villas for themselves.


Exercise 1. Collect puzzle and say what is it?


Exercise 2. Match the following synonyms from the article.

destroyed so far
encountered ship
investigation happening
opened fire on check
vessel stop
incident got
gained wiped out
to date came across
prevent most expensive
top-of-the-range shot at


Exercise 3. Read the text again and give the title to the text.

Exercise 4. Read the text and put the words into the gaps.

Sank; requested; vessel; responded; destroyed; nearer;
victory; explosions; dozens; prize; ransoms; range; tension; lawless; worth; costing.

Exercise 5. Read the text and define whether the given statements are true or false.

  1. The Indian navy has sunk a Somali pirate ship in the River Ganges.
  2. The mother of the ship’s captain was on board the Somali ship.
  3. The pirates attacked the Indian navy ship first.
  4. There was hardly a sound when the pirate ship sank.
  5. One company has already paid over $30 million in ransom this year.
  6. The pirates got a prize for hijacking a huge oil tanker.
  7. There are twelve hijacked ships docked in Somali ports.
  8. Some of the pirates drive expensive Toyota Land Cruisers.

Exercise 6. Find these sentences in the text.

  1. Пиратское судно ответило угрозой взорвать индийский военный корабль, если он приблизится.
  2. После того, как пираты открыли огонь по военному кораблю, индийские моряки ответили тем же и затопили сомалийское судно.
  3. Этот инцидент произошел после недели угонов и высокого напряжения в море.
  4. В минувшие выходные пираты получили самый большой приз на сегодняшний день.
  5. В настоящее время в сомалийских портах находятся десятки угнанных судов.


Exercise 7. Imagine you’re the admiral of the Navy. What would you do to stop piracy?

Use the phrase: If I were the admiral of the Navy,  I would…

 Список литературы

  1. Every man for himself on sinking ships http://www.englishpage.com/readingroom/readingroomintro.html
  2. Indian navy sinks Somali pirate ship https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/magazine/science-and-technology/vasa-successful-failure
  3. Iran’s gift to British people – Sailors home http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/0704/070405-iran.html
  4. Japan Prime Minister visits Pearl Harbor 29th December, 2016 http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/1612/161229-pearl-harbor.html
  5. Rescue at Sea – the RNLI http://www.britishcouncil.org/learnenglish-podcasts-themes.htm
  6. Russian flag claims North Pole riches http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/0708/070804-north_pole.html
  7. The Ten Largest Ships Ever Conceived https://more-angl.ru/morskoe-sudno/
  8. Vasa — a successful failure? https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/magazine/science-and-technology/vasa-successful-failure


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