

Вторник 20 марта 2012

В нашей гимназии английский язык изучают со 2-го класса, с 5-го класса ученики выбирают второй иностранный язык (французский или немецкий). Практика работы наших преподавателей показывает, что именно внеклассные мероприятия помогают заинтересовать учащихся, повысить их мотивацию к изучению предмета, преодолеть возникающие трудности, дать развитие творческим способностям. Внеурочная деятельность особенно важна, так как именно в процессе интересных для учащихся творческих дел формируются способы деятельности, благоприятствующие развитию составляющих социокультурной компетенции — толерантности и уважения к иной культуре вместе с более глубоким осознанием собственной культуры

настроение: активное

ключевые слова: внеурочные мероприятия, творческий потенциал учащихся, коллективное творчество, мини-спектакль

город: Калуга

Кафедра английского языка нашей гимназии активно проводит внеурочные мероприятия, которые обогащают культурный и творческий потенциал учащихся. Наша задача — воспитание активной, творческой личности, и мы стараемся менять подход к внеклассной работе так, чтобы центром внеклассной работы становился ученик, а не учитель. При традиционном подходе именно учитель обладает всей полнотой информации о программе и содержании мероприятия, отвечает за работу учеников в течение мероприятия и обладает привилегией оценивать результаты. Несомненно, при таком подходе, когда все учащиеся выступают в пассивной роли, даже самые активные и творческие дети теряют инициативу и интерес
к предмету. В соответствии с задачей развития автономии учащихся мы стараемся сделать содержание программы мероприятия открытым
и понятным для всех учеников, выступать в роли консультантов, стимулировать развитие личностных интересов и способностей ученика независимо от его успеваемости, успешности в изучении нашего предмета. Успех налицо: современные дети действительно ценят оказываемое им доверие, и часто закрытые, сложные по своей натуре ученики раскрываются и поражают своими способностями на таких мероприятиях. Это придаёт им уверенности, и потом даже на уроках они становятся активнее и внимательнее.

В нашей гимназии проводятся различные традиционные праздники: День Весны, День Англии и День Америки. Подготовка начинается с совместного заседания кафедры учителей иностранных языков и учащихся. Причём на эти заседания приглашаются и преподаватели других предметных кафедр: литературы, истории, физкультуры и т.д. Мы обмениваемся мнениями, анализируем плюсы и минусы предыдущего праздника, составляем план проведения мероприятия. В этот день все уроки проходят по особому расписанию и исключительно на английском языке. Даже преподаватели неязыковых предметов стараются в этот день общаться на английском языке. Каждый класс становится музыкальной гостиной, спортивным клубом, городской площадью, королевским дворцом. У входа в школу всех встречают литературные и исторические персонажи Великобритании или США.

Например, в прошлом году в расписании Дня Англии были такие предметы и темы, как «История королевской семьи», традиционное английское чаепитие (five o’clock tea), «Символы Британии», «История Битлз», заседание Клуба Джентльменов, мини-олимпиада спортивных игр Британии.
Пользуются популярностью конкурсы чтецов на иностранных языках, конкурсы на лучший перевод стихотворения и фрагмента фильма. Ежемесячно выпускаются газеты и коллажи на иностранных языках; проходит просмотр зарубежных фильмов с последующим обсуждением. Завершаются такие праздники большим концертом на иностранных языках.

Предлагаем вниманию учителей ИЯ текст сценария внеклассного мероприятия, состоявшегося в нашей школе в феврале 2012 года в рамках Дня Америки. Мероприятие было посвящено основным праздникам США и представляло собой мини-спектакль, в котором выступали учащиеся 5-го класса, а зрителями были ученики всей школы.


Учитель: What is the easiest and the most interesting way to understand traditions and customs of every country and its people? Try to find out how they celebrate their holidays! To be honest, there are few whole state’s holidays in the United States. Each of the 50 states defines its own holidays on its own territory, not depending on the other states. Nevertheless, there is a range of national and state holidays which are celebrated in the USA. Some of the holidays are official and are usually days off, some are unofficial, and though people work on these days, they still celebrate them widely. Let me introduce the most popular American holidays!

Ученик 1: (ёлочные игрушки в руках, заканчивая текст, отдаёт одну Уч. 2)

New Year is a state holiday and is celebrated on the 1st of January, though usually the Americans start celebrating it on 31st of December. It is a tradition to hold masquerade balls, when people put on fancy dresses and masks. Masks must be put off only at midnight, before that no one should guess who you are. Many people watch TV-broadcast of New Year celebration at Times Square in the centre of New York, others prefer to visit this wonderful event personally. This celebration is known all over the world: a big bright lighting ball is rolling down the top of one of the highest buildings. At the moment the ball touches the ground, the big bright letters “New Year” light up, and this is a signal that the New Year has really started! The celebration is accompanied by astonishing fireworks all over the country.

Уч. 2: (в руках плакат «equal rights!» «black or white — blood is red!» заканчивая текст, отдаёт
плакат Уч. 3

Martin Luther King Day is celebrated on the third Monday of January. This day is a day off in most of organizations and offices. This holiday is a symbol of Afro-American peaceful struggle for the constitutional equality of rights. This day was first celebrated by Afro-American citizens only, but then a lot of white people united the ideas of liberty and equal rights for people of all colours and religions.

Уч. 3: (переворачивает полученный плакат стороной, где изображены «валентинки», заканчивая текст, отдаёт открытку Уч. 4)

Though St. Valentine’s Day is not an official day holiday, most people celebrate it. The 14th of February is called St. Valentine’s Day. It is the day of love. That is the day when people think about their sweethearts – those, whom they love and care about. On this day you can buy Valentine cards in the shops or you can make cards yourselves. Americans of all ages like to send and to get Valentine cards. Valentine cards can have the shape of a heart, a symbol of love. It is popular to add soft toys (mostly teddy-bears), sweets and jewelry to the cards. Children in primary schools make Valentine cards for all the classmates, write greetings and different wishes and put them into the big box, sort of a post-box. On the 14th of February their teacher turns his back to the class, takes the cards one by one and says: “This card is for ..?” the classmates shout out the name of a pupil and he gets the card with greetings. After they have read their cards, they usually have a tea-party. Most people send “valentines “. Very often they don’t sign them. They may write “I love you, darling!” or “Will you be my Valentine? “, “Guess who I am?!”

Уч. 4: (в зелёном галстуке, заканчивая, повязывает галстук Уч. 5)

Before 1971, the 12th and the 22th of February were nationally celebrated as The Presidents Lincoln and Washington’s birthdays. But in 1971 President Richard Nixon proclaimed the single common state holiday — Presidents’ Day, on the third Monday of February — to render the honour to all the American Presidents.

Уч. 5: (на одежде зелёная лента, заканчивая текст, повязывает
ленту Уч. 6

Americans inherited the tradition to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day from the Irish people. St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated on the 17th of March by millions of people, no matter whether they are Irish or not. On this day the roads, offices, shops, schools, houses are decorated with green branches, flags, ribbons and flowers. People put on green clothes, those who have to wear uniforms (for example, policemen) try to have something green on as well — it can be a scarf or a pair of gloves. After school children go home to find some presents hidden by St. Patrick. This day shows how important it is to remember one’s roots and ancestors, the Motherland, no matter where one can live at the moment.

Уч. 6: (заканчивая текст, катит палкой яйцо к Уч. 7)

Easter is the main Christian holiday. It is celebrated in the middle of April, on different dates for Orthodox and Catholics. At Easter people in America decorate churches with white lilies and most of the families go to the church. After the service people walk down the streets in their new funny Easter hats and suits. This procession of people is called Easter Parade. There are many Easter symbols in the USA: Easter Eggs, Easter Bunnies and Chickens. One of the Easter traditions is eating hot cross buns (there is a white cross made of sugar on a hot cross bun). Children like Easter very much because it is a tasty holiday. At Easter children eat chocolate Easter eggs, chocolate bunnies and a lot of sweets. Chocolate Easter eggs have a surprise inside: there can be a small toy, coin or little gift in the egg. Parents hide Easter eggs in the house or in the garden. Little children think that Easter Bunny brings and hides eggs for them. In the morning little children are busy with hunting eggs. Children like to play Easter egg-rolling. “Easter egg, Easter egg, roll forward not back!” Even Mr. President is hunting eggs with his family at the White House lawn.

Уч. 7: (в руках кукла, заканчивая текст, отдаёт куклу Уч. 8)

In the United States Mother’s Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe as the day dedicated to peace and mothers’ love. Ms. Howe organized Mother’s Day meetings in Boston. In 1907 Anna Jarvis from Philadelphia began a campaign to establish a national Mother’s Day. By the next year Mother’s Day was celebrated in Philadelphia. Ms. Jarvis and her supporters began to write to ministers, businessmen and politicians with the request to establish a national Mother’s Day. Their attempts were successful, and by 1911 Mother’s Day was celebrated in every state. In 1914 President Woodrow Wilson made Mother’s Day a national holiday that was to be held each year on the second Sunday of May.

Уч. 8: (заканчивая текст, подходит к Уч. 9, пожимает руку)

This day was declared a state holiday in 1971 by President Nixon. Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday of May. This is the day of memory of all American soldiers perished during all the wars. American flags are hung out on all the buildings. Solemn parades are held at the cemeteries and near the War memorials. Grown-ups tell little children about the wars and heroes. But for most of the citizens this day symbolizes the summer soon coming, so they can spend three days off in the beach, in the woods or in the mountains.

Уч. 9: (заканчивая текст, подходит к Уч. 10, отдаёт честь)

The States are one of those few countries which recognize Father’s Day on the third Sunday of June. All fathers get presents, they are invited to dinners and are treated the way to feel special. Very often people give presents to their bosses, elder business partners and male friends. It is also common to greet those who are lonely (neighbours, distant relatives). It is a good reason to send some money for charity.

Уч. 10: (в руках плакат “Independence of the State is independence of everyone!”, заканчивая текст, подходит к Уч. 11, отдаёт плакат)

On this day the final version of The Declaration of Independence (one of the most important, along with the Constitution, documents of the USA) was adopted. The 4th of July, the Independence Day was announced a state holiday in 1941. For Americans it is the most patriotic day of the year. American flags are hung out everywhere. Fireworks and parades are held in most of the cities. Many families spend this day picnicing and dining out. The Independence Day is a holiday which is celebrated by every American whatever country he lives in.

Уч. 11: (в руках кораблик, переворачивает полученный плакат стороной “Respect our labour!”, заканчивая текст, подходит к Уч. 12, отдаёт корабль)

The first trade union parade was held on the 5th of September, 1882 in New York. 20 000 workers were marching along the Broadway. They demanded equal rights for the workers, better conditions of labour, medical insurance, decent wages. During the next following years such parades spread across America and in 1894 the Congress declared this day the state holiday. For the majority of Americans Labour Day (Trade Unions’ Day) means the end of summer and these 3 days off are used for coast and recreation parks trips. For the students this holiday is not a day off — it is usually the first day of study in colleges and universities.

Уч. 12: (на нём шляпа, заканчивая текст, подходит к Уч. 13, надевает на него шляпу)

This day is devoted to the Italian sailor Christopher Columbus who landed the New World on the 12th of October, 1492. Most of the main ceremonies, including a huge parade with a salute, are held in New York. Columbus Day is celebrated on the second Monday of October. At first this day was not an official holiday, though it was celebrated in most of the states. On the 400 years’ anniversary of the discovery of America this holiday was declared an official state holiday. Many people (especially in schools, colleges and universities) put on costumes of historical characters and take part in the masquerade balls.

Уч. 13: (заканчивая текст, зажигает и отдаёт свечу Уч. 14)

According to the legends, the night for November, 1st is the borderline between the worlds of alive and dead. This night in the medieval English language was called All Hallows Even (Evening of all sacred), in reduction — Hallowe’en, and at all is brief Halloween. Halloween is celebrated on the 31st of October. They say ghosts and witches come out on Halloween. Children cut eyes, nose and mouth out of a pumpkin and put candles into it. So the pumpkin looks like a face. People put pumpkins on the windowsills. Some people have Halloween parties and dress like witches and ghosts or historical characters. The children go from house to house and knock at the doors. They say “Trick or Treat”. People ask them to come into their houses and give them sweets, fruits, cakes and other tasty things.

Уч. 14: (ставит свечу на стол, заканчивая текст, молчит несколько секунд, задувает свечу, подходит к накрытому столу, садится)

Veterans’ Day is celebrated on the second Monday of November. Originally that was the day of the World War 1 veterans, and it was celebrated on the 11th of November — the day when the war finished. Nowadays it is the day of all the America’s veterans, who took part in any war conflicts. Solemn parades are held all over the country. The President of the United States usually lays a wreath on the Grave of the Unknown Soldier at the Arlington National Cemetery. At 11o’clock in the morning a minute of silence is announced all over the country to honour the patriots who struggled for the state.

Уч. 15: (садится к Уч. 14 за стол, заканчивая, складывает руки в молитве).

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. This day and the following Friday are usually days off. The modern holiday takes its origin from a 1621 celebration at the Plymouth Plantation where the Plymouth settlers held a harvest feast after the successful growing season. (Though the true first Thanksgiving was celebrated in Virginia two years before that by the first settlers). In the USA, certain kinds of food are traditionally served at Thanksgiving meals. Firstly, baked or roasted turkey is usually the main dish on any Thanksgiving feast table. Mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet corn, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie are usual for Thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving was originally a religious ritual for all people to give thanks to God for food and harvest. Now it is a holiday tradition in many families to begin the Thanksgiving dinner by saying grace (a prayer before a meal).

Уч. 16: (держит в руках монету для пудинга, заканчивая, отдаёт монету Уч. 17).

Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December. It is the most popular holiday in America. Most families decorate their houses with a Christmas tree, buy presents for the family and friends, write Christmas cards. In the homes people hang a bunch of mistletoe under which the boys kiss the girl. Mistletoe is an evergreen tree with small leaves and small white berries. Children hang Christmas stockings on the beds or put them under Christmas tree or near the fireplace. Children think that Santa Claus comes down the chimney and fills the stockings with presents. The traditional Christmas meal is roast turkey &Christmas pudding, ham, mince pies, tea or coffee and cakes. Traditionally people put a coin into the pudding. It brings good luck to a person who finds it and he can make any wish.

Уч. 17: (берёт монету, кладёт в коробку с прорезью, в конце к нему подходят все участники).

Boxing Day is an original British holiday, but it is celebrated in the USA, too. It is the day to recover from exhausting Christmas celebrations. Ages ago people gave small presents to their servants on that day; they also used to go to the church the morning after Christmas. There were special boxes for donations there, where people put money for the needs of the poor. (кладёт монету и купюры в коробку) Nowadays it is a tradition to give small presents to your colleagues, neighbours, people whom you want to thank for their help and care. Such presents are usually not very expensive, but the price of “Thank you” is invaluable! So, we want to thank you for attention.


1. Стандарт основного общего образования по иностранному языку. Новые государственные стандарты по иностранному языку 2–11 классы. Образование в документах и комментариях — М.: АСТ. Астрель, 2004г.
2. Соловова, Е.Н. Автономия учащихся как основа развития современного непрерывного образования личности. Иностранные языки в школе. — 2004г., № 4.
3. Общеевропейские компетенции владения иностранным языком: Изучение, преподавание, оценка. — М.:МГЛУ, 2003г.
4. Колкер Я.М. и др. Практическая методика обучения иностранному языку: Учебное пособие Я.М. Колкер, Е.С. Устинова, Т.М. Емалиева. — М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2001.
5. Гальскова, Н.Д. Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам: Пособие для учителя. / Н.Д. Гальскова – 3-е издание, переработанное и доп. — М.: АРКТИ, 2004.
6. J. B. Krowford Linguists in us. — Blackwool & Sons — USA.
7. http://www.openclass.ru

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