

Вторник 12 марта 2013

В статье дано определение термина «мобильное обучение» и предложены некоторые виды возможного использования мобильных телефонов на уроке.

настроение: поддерживающее

ключевые слова: mobile learning,
reasons of using, texting,
language classroom, devices,
set of tools

город: Москва

The term “Mobile learning” is gaining its popularity over the last several years. The number of mobile phone subscribers over the world is increasing rapidly. Mobile phones are also increasingly the most common way for people to access the Internet. As the phones — whether ‘smartphone’ or ‘feature phone’ — become increasingly sophisticated, connected and available, we now have a new set of tools available for us and learners to use in (and outside) the classroom.

Mobile learning is a subset of e-learning, which itself is a subset of education, and has a distinct focus on learning through the use of devices that can be easily carried.

Possible reasons of using mobiles in your classroom:

  • You want to try out something new with your learners.
  • A few of your learners have asked you to recommend apps, games and other mobile-friendly content they can use out of class.
  • You’ve read/heard about the benefits of informal learning.

Before you start, make sure m-learning fits with your teaching, rather than vice versa. Start by using it briefly and so it fits in with your plans the lesson, rather than changing plans to incorporate it. And, depending on who you are teaching and what you do, consider spending time on setting up class rules for its use. Make sure students know what’s not acceptable from the start.
Here are a few ideas how to use a mobile phone at the lesson.

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